Editorial from the Webmasters

The Department of Missouri Website is a living document dedicated to Missouri Veterans.  The site is for the dissemination of news, information and ideas to the membership.  With that said, we are asking members to share their activities and stories with us to pass along.  We are wanting committee chairpersons to share what they are doing on a more regular basis.  Receiving updates quarterly at the COA convention is fine, but it does not reflect current activities.  We would like to publish a Newsletter at least Monthly to keep the membership in tune with the latest happenings.  In addition, we know that several members were taking pictures at the COA.  We would love to have you share them with us to post on the Department Gallery.  All you need to do is email them to us with a description and we will do the rest.
Become an active participant in the Department Website.  This is your chance to participate.
Randy Craig – Webmaster        Ken Allison – Assistant Webmaster


Current Department Planning Calendar

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 The Department hosts the Mid-Mo Military Family Pantry at our Department Headquarters, 3401 Knipp Drive, Jefferson City, MO.  The Pantry is open on Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.  However, if a veteran or his family is in immediate need, they can call the Department office at 573-636-8761 for assistance.  We will do accept cold food donations.