VFW Department of Missouri
Legislative Program 2024-2025

The Legislative year will continue to present an opportunity and a challenge for veterans in the State of Missouri. The VFW played an instrumental role in every significant piece of veterans’ legislation passed in the 20th century, as well as bills enacted in the 21st century, with veteran’s legislative advocacy beginning in 1917.
 If you care about your American Citizenship, you should care enough to communicate with your elected officials. It’s one of the most effective ways you can take part in our democratic system. It is important that our Legislators in Jefferson City and our Missouri Congressional Delegation in Washington DC hear from you on legislative issues affecting veterans.
Legislative chairman at the District or Post levels or District Commanders can be the focal point for arranging periodical meetings with Congressional Representatives or with any State Legislator in their District. Invite your Senators and Congressmen to your District and Post meeting. Let them tell you what they are doing for veterans in Missouri. This is Legislative Advocacy at the Grassroot level.
You have often heard our comrades say the VFW is non-political, which is true in the sense that we are non-partisan. However, we should never use this as an excuse not to have a vigorous Legislative Advocacy at all levels, and to keep members informed as to the desired legislative goals of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Your Legislative Advocacy will continue your Legislative battle, but YOU, the individual member in your own Home District, will continue to be the most important part in a successful Legislative Campaign – with your VOICE – and your VOTE.
As our elected officials, THEIR job is to listen to THEIR constituents. If THEIR phones are ringing off the hook with people demanding to know where THEY stand on an issue, THEY pay attention.

Action Corps
Sign up for Action Corps so you stay current on key legislation.

    Text "VFW” to 50457
Visit website:https://votervoice.net/vfw/register
 Scan QR Code:
Legislative Resources:
VFW Website
VFW Department of Missouri
MO VFW Auxiliary Website
VFW Legislative Priorities:
VFW Legislative Priorities including VFW 2024 Priority Goals
VFW Action Corps Weekly
Federal Bills
US Senators
US Representatives
MO Senators
MO Representatives
MAVO Facebook

Find all your elected officials: Senator Missouri Senate | Missouri Senate (mo.gov)
2024 Calendar (mo.gov)

August 6, 2024 Primary Election
November 5, 2024 General Election
April 2, 2025 General/ Municipal Election Day  Visit website:  https:/votervoice.net/VFW/Register