Adam St.Pierre, Chairperson

Comrades: With your continued dedication and support, the Department of Missouri, Posts, County Councils and Districts can surpass all previous years in the purchasing of Buddy Poppies and fundraising. In order to achieve this prestigious goal, it is necessary for all Districts and Posts to participate and order larger amounts than last year and using left over poppies for displays at Post functions. With your continued dedication and support we can make this a wonderful year.  Poppies are to be ordered by December 31, 2024.

District Chairmen: Present your program at your first District Meeting and get all Post Chairman involved in purchasing Buddy Poppies for fundraising. Remember, all monies received from Buddy Poppy donations goes into the Post Relief Fund and must be used for that purpose only. We must build up a strong Post Relief Fund to help the needy veterans in our Posts and local area throughout the Department of Missouri. Remember "NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS." Let's practice that motto by buying and collecting donations for the VFW Buddy Poppy Program. National also allows the use of Scouts to collect Poppy donations for Posts.